Top ten Largest Freshwater Fish in the World

Many people believe the ocean is the only environment where giant fish live. in this article, we will tell you in detail about the Top ten Largest Freshwater Fish in the World. While most marine fish are larger, giant fish can also be found in freshwater.

Top ten Largest Freshwater Fish in the World are given below.

1. Chinese Paddlefish (Psephurus gladius)

The Chinese Paddlefish was the largest freshwater fish in China, reaching up to 7 meters long. The largest models found weighed almost 100 kg.

The sad news is that the Chinese paddlefish, one of the largest in the world, has been declared extinct as they have not been seen since 2003.

9- Siberian Taimen

The Siberian Taimen is a famous species of fish belonging to the Salmonidae family.

Depending on the geographic location, this fish can be found in different colours, but it is normally found in olive green on the head, combined with a reddish-brown tone on the tail.

Taimen is the largest salmon in the world. Fish are typically caught and recorded weighing between 14 and 30 kg when fully mature. The largest recorded Siberian Salmon is 104 kg and 2 meters long, caught in the Kotui River in Russia.

8- Alligator Gar

With a flat head, the Alligator Gar (Atractosteus spatula) may look like an alligator, but it is the largest of the Gar species. This fish can grow over 3 meters long and weigh over 150 kg.

Gars are typically found in lakes in the southern United States, and despite their aggressive appearance, there have been no known attacks on people.

7- Nile Perch

Belonging to the Latidae family of Perciformes, the Nile Perch is a species of freshwater fish native to the Nile, Congo, Senegal and the Niger River.

The Nile Perch is one of the largest freshwater fish in the world, reaching over 1.82 meters in length. The largest ever caught weighed over 181 kg.

6- Flathead Shark

The Bull Shark can live in both salt and fresh water, being found in warm oceans in coastal areas and freshwater streams if deep enough.

It is one of the only shark species capable of living in low saltiness. Flathead sharks can reach up to 3.5 meters in length. The largest recorded weight of the bull shark was 312 kg.

5- Arapaima (Arapaima gigas)

The Pirarucu is a common fish in South America, especially in Brazil. Its name comes from two Tupi terms: “pirá,” which means fish, and “urucum,” which means red, due to the colour of its tail.

Pirarucu fish can reach adulthood, measuring up to 3 meters and weighing up to 330 kg.

4- Catfish

Catfish (Pangasius gigas) are deep-sea feeders. Some of the largest catfish have been recorded at over 350 kg. This fish can be found in freshwater environments, typically in shallow, flowing water.

The Mekong catfish holds the official title of the largest freshwater fish ever caught. It can grow up to 4 meters long and weigh 350 kg. This fish is found in the Mekong River, which runs from China to Vietnam and Cambodia.

3- Giant Freshwater Stingray (Himantura Chao Phraya)

Belonging to the Dasyatidae family, the Giant Freshwater Stingray is one of the largest freshwater fish in the world.

The Giant Freshwater Stingray is native to the large estuaries of Southeast Asia. Unfortunately, its numbers have been drastically reduced due to its indiscriminate capture, being in danger of extinction in some locations.

2- White Sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus)

The White Sturgeon is native to several large rivers in North America. White sturgeon flows into the Pacific Ocean and is the largest freshwater fish in that region.

This fish can measure up to 6 meters and reach around 1100 kg. Like other members of the sturgeon family, the White Sturgeon spends part of its life in salt waters.

1- Beluga sturgeon (Huso huso)

Native to the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, the beluga sturgeon (Huso huso) is a fish from the Acipenseridae (sturgeon) family.

The commander in this selection of the ten largest freshwater fish in the world is abundant in the rivers of southern Russia and Ukraine, in Europe, and in the fresh waters of North America.

In early summer, they migrate from the sea to the rivers or the shores of freshwater lakes to breed. They grow throughout their life (more than 100 years), reaching monstrous sizes, more than six and a half meters, and 1,500 kg.

The negative point is that the number of Beluga sturgeons has been drastically reduced due to intensive fishing to harvest their eggs to produce beluga caviar. Many countries already have laws to protect them.


What did you think of the world’s Top ten Largest Freshwater Fish? Which fish did you like the most?

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